Ȩ > ¶ν >

ȸ 15143
īװ ȸ
ֿ ⵶ -̽± ڻ

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(յдпб )

ؼ ⵶  ϱ? ó ȸ 巯 и ָ 迡 ִ е ڽ ϴ [coming out] Ÿ鼭  ؾ ϴ ִ. ڵ鿡 ϴ Թ Ǿٰ 並 ֿ ϴ Ͱ Ͽ ϰ ִ. ۿ ⵶  ϴ 巯, ̿ ٰؼ ȿ ⵶ ǰ Ѵ.

ó Ÿ ο ƴ϶ ǿ κ ϴ ̴. ΰ Ÿ ķ ΰ ϴ  ֵ ؼ ӿ ־ Դ. ̽ ׵  ӵ ̿ ° , ǽ  â(male cult prostitute) 谡 ԵǾ ־ ȸ ׵ Ҿ ε  Ⱓ âⰡ ־ .

θ ȸ ִ ſ Ϲ . ö ۿ ְ ſ ڿ Ÿ 󰡔󰡕(Symposium) ְ Ű ½Ű ν · õǰ ̴. ȭ Ư ̿ (pederasty, ί) Ư ϼ ϰ ߿ ҷ ޾Ƶ鿩 ־. Ÿ ΰ ̿ ְ ٰ ִ ̴.

̷ ְ, ӿ ֱ⿡ ִ 翬 ִ ϱ? ̿ ؼ ⵶  .

1. ⵶ Ģ:

׸ε 濡 ٰؼ ϴ ̴. 츮 ׸̶, 츮 ÿ ؼ []ϴ ̵̴. ׷Ƿ ؼ 츮 濡 ٰؼ ؾ ̴. ׷ ǹ̿ ؼ 츮 ׸ε ؼ ٿδ ϳԲ Ͻ Ϳ ؾ߸ Ѵ. ϳ âϽ ٺ , â ̴. ׸ ϳԲ 츮 Ͻ 츮 ˰ Ǿ. 䵵 ñδ ϳԿԼ ãƾ Ѵ. ϳԲ ڽ Ͻ ٿ ȴ.

׷Ƿ Ģ ʰ, и Ģ ٰ ̴. ׷ ٿ ̿ϰ ϶ Ѵ( 12:9). ̴ Ϲݿ ؼ ϴ , ణ Ǵ ̴. 鿡 ׷ϴ, ڿ ؼ ϳԲ Ģ ǥ̴. ׷Ƿ 츮 ֿ ȥ, ׸ () ģ ΰ õ ־ ϳԲ  ִ κ ãƺ ؾ Ѵ. ̸ ϰ, ȭϴ ȭ , Ǵ ⿡ , Ǵ ټ ϴ ٿ 츮 Ϸ ϴ ̴.


ϳԲ âϽ ϸ, ڿ ڰ ϴ ſ ̴. ϳԲ ó ڿ ڷ ȹ ð, ڸ Ŀ(â 2:7), ó(Լ)ϴ ڽ ׸ Ͽ [, ׿ ϴ ] ø Ͻð(â 2:18), ڷ Ͽ ڽ ȥ̸ ʿ Ѵٴ ɸ ʿ並 Ͻ ڿ(â 2:19-20), ڸ ż ̷ ϼ̴(â 2:24). ⿡ ΰ ȥ ִ. 鿡 ϳ ⺻ ̴. , , ΰ, ü ϳ ʿ Ÿ. ׷Ƿ ΰ ȥ ȿ ̷ ϳԲ ǵϽ ϳ ؼ ʼ ־߸ Ѵ.

׷ ᱹ ϳ ߰ ϴ ̴. ϸ Ҽ ϳ ϰ Ǹ, ϳ ϸ Ҽ ϴ ̸ ϰ װ ϳԲ ǵϽ ̶ ִ. ׷ ʰ ϴ ϳԿ 븳 װ ƴϴ. ׸ ᱹ ִ(up-building) ̾ Ѵ. ᱹ 븦 ıϰ ʶ߸ ִ ƴϴ. η ȭ ϳԲ ǵϽŴ ͸ ̴.

(1) ̷ â Ģ ֿ̼ ֿ ؼ  µ Ÿ ִ и. ᱹ ϳ ϴ Ͱ 븳 ʴ ϳԲ â ϸ, ϳԲ Ͻ ϴ ̴. ̿ ϳԲ ó ڿ ڸ âϽð, Ǿ ڳฦ ϰ, [], 游ϰ, ׸Ͽ ϳ ٽ ϼ̴.

׷Ƿ â â âϽ ϳ ǵ ϳ ٽ ϴµ, ׷ ٽ κ ȥϿ ڳ , ׵鿡 ϳ ġ Ͽ Բ ϳ ٽ ϵ Ͻ ̴. Ͽ ȥΰ ȥ , ǵǾ ִ. ǵ ȥ ڿ , ̼ ̰, װ͵ Ϻó ̴. ׷Ƿ ϳ â ϸ ڴ ڿ ȥϵ Ͻ ̰, ׷ ̼ 踦 ϳ âϽ ̶ ִ. â ̴.

(2) ׸ ҵ ϰ Ÿ õ ϸ ϸ鼭 ׵ 䱸ϴ ׵ ˾ǻ ܸ Ұϰ ִ â 19:5, 7, 9 ƾ Ѵ. (New International Version) Ȯ ǹ̸ ǹ̷ Ͽ Ͽ: Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them." ؼ ̷ ǹ̷ 鼭 ̷ ҵ ˾ǻ Ÿ ؼѴ. ؼڵ ߿ ҵ 鼺 䱸 湮ڵ 踦 ٰ̾ ؼϴ е ִ. ̷ , κ ָ ȭ ʴ´ٴ и ִ. ְ ҵ ˿ٰ . ׵ ǹ̿ ̾. ׷ ֵ ׵ κ̾ٴ .

ó ּϸ鼭 ָ ƴ϶ ڽŵ (Դ) ã ޾Ƶ ʰ, ׵鿡 ؼ Ÿ , ׵鿡 Լ θ ׵鿡 ظ Ϸ ҵ Ǵ ˾̶ Ϸ ̵ Ϻ ִ. ̷ ̰ ִ 츮 ϸ(D. Sherwin Bailey) 󰡔ֿ ⵶ 󰡕 ִ. ϸ å â 19:5 19:22 ȴ ߴ(ע󰕈󰖷) () Ǹ ִٴ Ѵ.

ؼ ״ (1) ༺濡 ˴ ߴ(ע󰕈󰖷) 簡 ⺻ ǹ̷ 900ȸ ؼ () Ǹ ϰ 15̶ (2) ģ Ϳ ư ؼ ܼ ü ü ƴ϶, ̿ ǽİ ǽ ־ Ѵ ɸ , ׸ (3) ԰ 19 ڵ(gērîm)̾µ Ӽ ڱ (gēr) Ǹ ̻ ̹Ƿ ȸ Ǹ Ų ̶ ߷ ϰ ִ.

׷ 踸δ  ܾ ǹ̸ Ȯϱ Ʊ⿡  ܾ ǹ̴ ׻ ƶ ã ϴµ, â 19̳ 19 ο մ ˷ 䱸 ؼ ٸ ƴ ġϴ ־ ִµ, ȴ () ǹ̸ ϰ ִ(â 19:8; 19:25). ҵ 䱸 ͵ () 踦 ǹߴٰ ƻ ڿ ؼ̴. ҵ ã մԵ ˰ ׵ ϱ ϴµ װ 鼭 ſ ڸ ϴ ߴٴ ̱ ̴. ׷Ƿ ⼭ Ǵ ν̰ 米 ƴ϶, () ǹ ̴.

° ҵ ̳ մԵ ΰ ˷ ʰ ִµ ȴ Ƿ ̸ ΰ ģ ȴٴ ǹ̷ ؼϱ ƴ. ƻ Կ ؼ װ մԵ 鿩 ƴ϶, ׵ ֱ⸦ źϸ鼭 ̷ ġ (â 19:7) ϸ 鿡Դ ƹ (â 19:8) ϴ Ϳ ݰ иϴ. ҵ ̷ ؼ Ÿ缺 и ش: ʴ . ͼ ϸ鼭 츮 Ƿ ϴ . 츮 ׵麸 ʸ ϸ(â 19:9). ׷Ƿ â 19 ƶ ҵ Źε 踦 ûϿٴ ų δ.

Ӹ ƴ϶ ž ټ 7 ҵ ٸ ٰ ſ Ǿ϶ ҵ ˰ ˿ٴ и ϰ ִ.

׿ ٸ ظ ϴ ̵ ҵ մ Ȧ ͸ ˶ Ȯ Ѵ. ؼ ؼ̶ ϸ鼭 ̸ ֽ ſ Walter Brueggemann (sexual disorder) Ϲ (general disorder) ̴. Ѵ. ״ ˵ (gang rape) Ϸ Ѵ. ׷ ؼڵ ̿ ֿ ϰ ִ. ׷Ƿ 츮 ؼ ָ ʴ ظ ض ϱ ƴٰ . ׷Ƿ ̷ Ǹ ģ ˰ ׿ Ǹ ϴ и ϰ ִ ٿ ߴ(ע󰕈󰖷) Ǿ иϰ ̴ ߿ ּ鿡 ؼ ǰ ִ.

(3) ׸ ϳ 鼺 ̽ 鼺鿡Դ ϰ ʴ ڿ ڿ , ̴ ̴϶( 18:22) ϰ Ѵ. ϴ(ה󰔧󰘠וֹתּ) ٺ ϳԲ ȾϽô ϴ ̴. ̷ ڵ ݵ ̶ ϰ ִ( 20:13). ׷ ϰ (the death penalty) 鼺鿡Դ ϳԲ и ֽ ̴.

̽ ֺ 󿡴 ְ ϰ ־ ϳ 鼺 ̽ 鼺 ׷ ؼ Ǹ, ׷ ϴ ̽ 鼺 ݵ óϰ ؾ Ѵٰ Ͻ ̽󿤿 䱸Ͻô ̴. 鿡 ְ и Ǿٴ и ̾ ̸ ̴. ϴ ƾ Ʈ 18:22 19-23 ̸ ڿ ϴ ߿ Ѵ. ̸ źϰ ְ ִٰ ϴ ħ ϴ ظ ϱ ̴.

(4) ư ڴ Ǻ ̿, ڴ Ǻ ̶. ̰ ϴ ڴ ϳ ȣͲ ڴ϶( 22:5) Ѵ. ǥ ؼ װ ִ پ ǹ̵ ִ. Ÿ 22:5 ̶ ϸ ͵(man's things)μ ʸ ƴ϶ ϴ ͵ Īϴ ̴. Ĺ̳ ⳪ Ϲ ڿ Ǵ ͵ ġ ̴. ׷ Ĺݿ ִ и Īϰ ִ. ׷Ƿ ü ǹ̷δ ڰ , ׸ ڰ Ϲ ؼ Ǵٰ ִ.

̸ (1) ׷  ¿ DZ , (2) ȸ ׷ Դ Ư ŵ ǿ Ǿ ɼ ֱ ̴.  ̵ ° ɼ ǹ ְ Ѵ. ׷ 쿡 ݷ ٺ ̱ dz ȴ. ׷ ԸϸƮ Ʈ ⼭ ǰ ̴ (what is seemly) ؼ, Ǵ ڿ Ϳ ̻ Ǿ ִ δ ϸ鼭, (ȣͲ ϴ) ǰ ̰  (cultic offence) ûش Ѵ. 츮 ϴ ˷ ° ؼ ̷ Ѵ:  鿡 ϰ ԰ų ԰ Ǹ ϴ ʿ....... ̰ 밳 Ǵ 쿡 ߻ߴ.

׷ ̸ ִ ŵ κ Ĵ θ ô뿡 ٵ ϴ 찡 , ѽø ޵Ǵ 鵵 Ǵ ٲپ Դ ƴϸ װ ֿ ֱ ٲپ ݷ ϱ δ.

 ̰ ̴ ȣ ñ⿡ ̶ ˵ǰ ִ. ׷Ƿ ̷ ݷɿ  â ־ ü ȣϰ Ϸ  õ ϰ Ϸ ǵ ִ ̶ ƾ Ѵ.

Ȯ ݷ ƴ϶ ڿ ڷ âϽ Ϳ ̶ ŷ輺 ϰ ϴ ̶ ϴ īϰ ħϰ ع õ ڿ, ϳ ñ⿡ ̶ Ѵ. G. E. Wright ڿ Ϳ ̽ 鼺 ݷ ִ ɼ Ѵ. Ŀ ִ 츮 Ȯ ϱ ̴. ư Į(Earl S. Kalland) ݷɿ ָ ҹ ԵǾ ɼ ٰѴ.

(5) ׸ ӵ ̽ [, ] ϸ鼭 ϴ , ̸ ִ ϰ ִٴ иϴ.

, ȣ ַθ ϸ Ƹ Ͽ ڳ ȣ Ŀ 鼺 ϴ ϰ Ǿ. , (1) ( Ǫ Ʒ Ƽ ̶) Ұ, (2) ϴ ڰ ְ ̴(ջ 14:21-24). ϴ (󰕊󰙌) â(the cult prostitutes) Īϴ ǥ̶ . ̴ â â⸦ ϴ . ̵ dz Ǹ ϴ Ϻκ ϴ ڵ ȿ ߿ ϴ ̵̾. ̹ ˵ ⼭ 赵 Բ ˵Ǿٰ ƾ Ѵ. ̱ ̱ ϴ ־ٰ ϴ ſ ̻ ؼ ̴.

νʴ â(secular prostitute, ה󰗺ז) ̱ â(the cult prostitute, (󰕊󰙌) ϰ, â и ϴ ƶ ˵Ǿ, â ϳԲ Ž ԰ ˵Ǿ, ΰ ϳ 鼺 ŷ ǽԿ θ ޾ ()ϴ ̶ Ѵ. ׷Ƿ Ϲ , ֵ ϳ 鼺 Ÿ ִٰ ִ.

ķ ̽  ̷ ڵ ִ ڵ ϳԲ Ͻô ư ̵ ޵ȴ. , ƻ翡 ؼ װ ƹ ƺ ޸ ȣ ñ⿡ Ͽٰ(ջ 15:11) ϸ鼭(1) ϴ ڵ(םי󰚄󰕊󰙛󰕘) ѾƳ(12), (2) ϰ(12), (3) ģ(δ ҸӴ) ư Ƽ Ƿ ϰ,  ó һٰ Ѵ(13). ƻ Ƶ ȣ忡 ؼ װ ģ ƻ Ͽ ƴϰ ȣ ñ⿡ Ͽ(ջ 22:43) ϸ鼭, 翪 ִ ϴ ڸ ѾƳ ϰ ִ(46).

þ ߰ߵ ϴ ߿ ȣ  ̵ Ѵ( 23:7). ̵ ̶ 츮 ̰(םי󰚄󰕊󰙛󰕘 י󰚞󰔯), ձ ڸ ϴ ڵ ̶ ִµ, ̰ ȿ â Ȱ Ȯ صȴ. þ ̷ ̵ ȿ ־ٴ 󸶳 Ǿ ° ִ ̶ . ô 뼼 з ô 뼼 շ ɰ Ÿ ̴. װ þư ϸ鼭 ŸĽŲ ̴. ̽ ϳ ϴ , ̽ ϳ ϴ ִ.

׷Ƿ ô 鼺̴ ̽ 鼺 ֺ ְ ϴ Ȳ  鼭 ׿ ׵ 쵵 ̴. ׵鿡 ִ 𸣴  ̻ ƴϰ ֺ ϴ ̾, ٷ ׷ ϶ 鼺 ϰ ִ ̴.

3. ֿ ž ħ

ž࿡ и ڿ  ڿ ̶ õѴ( 1:26). ƿ ̶ (sexual relation) ڿ (the natural use), â ǵ ϴ ̴. ̴ ڿ̳ ̶ ϳ â ǵ(God's creative intent) â (God's created order) ǵǾ ִٰ ϴ ̴. ڿ ڿ ϴ(ύ : that which is against nature) , â ǵ ϴ ٲپ ϴ Īϴ ̴. ׷Ƿ â ǵ ڿ ڿ 輺 ϴ ̰, ڿ ϴ ڰ ڿ Ҿ ϴ ϴ ̰, ̾ ٸ ڿ ϴ ڿ ڿ 輺 ȴ. ׷Ƿ 26 27 踦 ϴ ̴. , 踦 ڿ(unnatural) ְ(perversion) ̴. ̸ ο θ鼭 ٷƮ κ ƿ ϱ⵵ Ѵ:

ڸ, ׵ ε ڿ (the natural kind of intercourse) ڿ ٲپ. ڵ鵵 Ʈʿ ڿ 踦 θ Ǿ. ׷ ڰ ڷ Ҿ ϰ ϰ, ׵ ڽ () ϴ ׵ ΰ ް Ǿ.

26 踦 Ŀ ɰ ϱ ̶ ϱ⵵ Ѵ. β ̰, â ǵ  ̶ ȴ( 1:25f.). ̷κ ٿ Ȱ ϳ â ħ(a violation of God's creation order) Ѵٴ и . ׷Ƿ ƶ ְ ߸ ǥ (a prime example) ޵ǰ ִ ̴.

ڰ ڷ Ҿ β ( ύ) Ѵ( 1:27) , ̴ ڿ ڿ (natural relations with women) ϴ ϴ ̴. ׷Ƿ ü ֻӸ ƴ϶. ָ õ Ͽ ϰ ִ ̴. ̷ ϴ ڴ شϴٰ ϳ ģ ϼ̴ٰ ϴ ( 1:32) 赵 ԵǾ ִٰ ƾ Ѵ.

ٿ ǵ ϴ ߿ Խ ϰ ִ( 6:9f.; 1:9f.). Žϴ ڽ(ός) ܾ Ϲδ ڴ (unmanly)̶ Ǵ ̳, üδ ǽ Ÿ̳ ϴ ̶ Ѵ. ׷鼭 ̿ ؼ ؼ (passive homosexual activity) ȴٰ Ѵ. ׷Ƿ ƿ ڽ 迡 Ʈ ϴ Ϲ ̴.

ϴ Ƹ׽(ς) (δ , δ ός) Բ ڴ, Ǵ 踦 δ(ς)̶ ̶ ̵ ǰ ġѴ.

׷ ܾ ڵ ϴ ɵ ϴ Ī̶ ϴ ڿ.

̷ ؿ ʴ ũα(Scroggs) Ƹ׽(ς) ü 18:22( 20:13) Ÿ ٿ Բ Ѵ. ׷ ״ ̰ ϴ â⸦ Ī Ƿ ȣ Ұ ִٰ Ѵ. ׷鼭 ״ ̰ ݿ ƴ϶ ʷ ̵ ߴ Ƶ 踸 Īϴ ̰, ٿ ͵ ٷ ̷ 迡 ؼ ̶ Ѵ. ٿ â ϰ ִٰ ϸ鼭 ٿ Ϲ 迡 ؼ ⸦ ʾҴٰ ϰ, Ḹ ߸ ߴٰ Ѵ.

׷ ̿ ش ٿ ۿ ڿ ض ƴٴ ڵ ̴. Ƶ (Scroggs) (Boswell) װ͵鸸 ȴٸ, ٿ ⼭ ̷ ü ٸ ܾ ϸ鼭 Ǹ ̴. Ʈ Ŵ ʴ´ٰ ϸ鼭, ٿ Ǵ 18:22 20:13 Ÿ ٰϰ , ǹ̴ ȭ Ϲ̾ 10 踦 ϴ Ͽ θ ϴ ص ִٰ Ѵ. 츮 ϸ ڿ ش ⼭ ٿ ° 踦 ִٰ ؾ Ѵ. ָ ٸ ˵ ϴ ڵ ϳ ϸ( 6:10) ſ ɰϰ ̴.

׷Ƿ ž 浵 ָ ˾ Ͻø, ż иϰ Ͻô ̴.

4. ֿ ħ

׷Ƿ ϰ ְ 踦 ϰ ׿ ̾ ϴ ظ ſ Ȯϸ ̶ ̴. 츮 ž࿡ ؼ ִ. ׷Ƿ ϰ ְ ָ õϴ ̴.

濡 ϸ ָ ˾ ƴϰ, ȥ ۿ ˾ǵ ˵Ǿ. ٷ ̷ ̽ ߿ âⰡ ̿ ̽ ߿ ̵ ϶( 23:17) ־ ִ ̴. ⼭ ̵(male cultic prostitute) Ϲ â(female prostitute) ǰ ִ ̴. ư, ̴ ٸ ϳ տ ٸ ˿͵ ɰϰ ù ̴. ű 濡 ϰ ִ ˸ ù ˷ . ׷Ƿ 츮 ָ ϰ, ׷ ̵ Ư ߸ ؼ ȴ. 츮 ˵ ٸ ˿ ɰ ̰, ϳԿԼ ˶ ؾ Ѵ. ٽ , ڵ鵵 ٸ ε ε, ׵ ɰ ε̶ . 濡 ϸ, ˴  ¸ ̵ ϳ տ ɰ ̱ ̴.

׷Ƿ 츮 ָ ؼ ߸ ǥ â ϳ ǵ ϴ ̹Ƿ ߸ ̶ ǽ , ϳ 濡 ٸ ϵ ؾ ̴. ϳԲ 츮 ֽ ϳ ٷ ϴ ̴. ׷ ͵ Ÿϸ ߾ ȴ. ּ Ÿϸ ־ Ǵ ̴. ź . ź ϳ õ簡 Ÿ 簡 ƴѰ? ȣͲ  ȶߴٰ ʾҴ°? ׷ ̱⿡ ź ̿ ̴. ΰ ̼ . ϰԲ â ̼ Ͽ ϳԲ ݿϵ ϰ ϳ ϰ ʴ° ̴. ó ϳԲ ϰ â ֽ ϼ Ÿϸ ϰ DZ . ׷Ƿ 츮 츮 ־ ɷ ϳ ϴ ϵ ϳ ǵ ϳԲ ϵ ؾ ̴.

ٽ , ž ָ 𸣴 ô뿡 ȭ ¿ ָ ƴ϶ ֺ 迡 ְ ϸ, ̽ ׿ ˾ ӿ ִ ڽŵ ߰ ٷ ׷ Ȳ  ϳ ǵ ֿ ٸ ˸ ָ϶ ̴. ׷Ƿ ְ ϴ 츮 ô뿡 õ Ǿ ̴. ְ Ǵ ô뿡 ž ָ ϰ ִµ, д 츮 ָ Ѵٸ 󸶳 ̻ ΰ?

5. ö Ȱ Ͽ

̿ ⵶ 忡 츮 ڵ ö ϴ ȿ ؼ ݴ ǰ ǥ . ٸ ؼ ü Ѵٴ ǥѴ. ׷Ƿ 츮 , , , , ű, Ź, , Ǻλ, , , ü, ȥο, ӽ Ǵ , Ȳ, , Ǵ ġ ǰ, , ȣó, з, ȸ ź" ϴ Ѵ. ݱ ǿ ڼ 忡 ٰ 츮 . ڿ ϴ ְ ִ ִ ǰ, Ȥö ָ ִٰ Ǵܵȴ. ׷Ƿ ڵ鿡 ϴ ȿ ؼ 츮 ̴. ϳ ָ Ǵٰ ƴϽ иϱ ̴. ׸Ƿ ⵶ ֿ öϴ Ϳ ؼ ݴϴ ̴.

ۼ holylife
̸ йȣ

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Josiah I'm retired https://www.asmp.mpi.gov.lk/pharmacy/stmap_81dcevos.html?klaricid.viagra.itraconazole clobetasol crema 0.05 para que sirve The fun-loving Spaniard, again showing how much experience matters at golf's oldest major championship, scrambled for an even-par 71 on Friday that was good enough to lead midway through the British Open at baked-out Muirfield. 2022-03-25 09:01:23
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Graig I work here http://msmcf.co.kr/pharmacy/stmap_15dawbxe.html?sleepwell.cialis.pravachol can you get high off zanaflex And for all the Olympic talent on display - 12 gold medallists will compete over the two days - it was Bolt, the world&#039;s fastest man, who was the centre of attention on a celebratory evening in the capital. 2022-03-25 09:19:35
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