Ȩ > ¶ν >

ȸ 14279
īװ ġ
ġ(Inner Healing)

ġ(Inner Healing) 

ġ ȸ 庻 Carl Gustav Jung Agnes Sanford Jimmy Carter Ruth Carter Stapleton̾. Ŀ Stapleton John and Paula Sanford, Dennis and Rita Bennett, Michael Scanlan̴. θõֱμ Linn , ȸ źε Dennis Matthew, ׸ θõֱ źο Francis MacNutt.

Francis MacNutt ȥ ϰ ȸ õֱ ٴϸ鼭 ġ̳ ϰ ִ. ̵ Stapleton Sanford MacNutt Agnes SanfordԼ ġ ̴. ؼ ɸа Űа ô(New Age) 鸸 ϴ ġ ⵶ȸ ̴.

⼭ ġ (regression), ɻ(visualization), ɻ(guided imagery), м ԽŻƮ(gestalt: , ǥ, ) ġ ٷ Ѵ. ġڵ ̷ ϳ Ȥ θ Ѵ.

ΰ ȥ 翪 ü ߸ ƴϴ. ϳ 츮 Ͻø, ̳ ñ ı ̸ ⸦ ϽŴ. ϳ 츮 츮 ȿ α ϽŴ. ׷ ٿ ġ ɴԲ 츮 ȿ ° Ͻô 翪̴.

׷ ɸп ϴ ġ 濡 ϴ ̳ ǰ Ǹ̳ ư 翪 ٸ. ġ ֱٿ ̱ ϴ ڱ 翪 ̶ θ 쵵 ־ ȥ ߱ϰ ִ.

츮 ǰ ǰ ̸ ˾ƾ Ѵ. ̰ Ͻϴ . ǰ ȭ ̷ ÿ ɸ ε ִ. ׷ ǰ Ͼ ַ ϴ ɴԲ 츮 ȿ 츮 ٽ Ͻñ ̴. ׷ ϴ ġ ʿ ġᰡ ʿ ̰ ̷μ ȭ ̷.

ҽڵ ϰ ׸ ַ ؾ߸ ִ. ȸ ̰ и ־ Ѵ. ɸ ƹ ̸ ص . ġ 㿡 ʴ´.

ġ ⺻ 鼭 ϱ ó ޴ ٴ ̴. Ѹ ĺϱ ó Ӵ ߿ ̼ ߴϴ 6 ̿ ޴ ó ̴. ̷ ó ǽ 迡 鼭 Ͽ Ư ڱⰡ ġ ൿ ϰ ϰų ġ ʴ Ѵٴ ̴.

ġ ö ڱ⿡ ɸ ó ٽ Ѵٴ ̴.  ġڵ ޾Ҵ ó ٷٰ Ѵ. ̷ ȭŰ ġ ϱ ȭڵ鿡 (regression) ɻ(visualization) ɻ(guided imagery) ϸ ̰ ȥ ġ⵵ Ѵ.

ġڵ δ  ʾƵ ó ص ġ ʿ䰡 ִٰ Ѵ. ó ޴µ 쿡 Ƶд븦 ޱ⵵ ϰ ڱ⵵ 𸣴 ó ִٴ ̴. 츮 Ұ ϰ ׻ Ӿ ġ ޾ƾ Ѵٴ ̴. ̷ Ǹ  ǰڴ°? 󿡼 ã ǽ̰ .

ġ Ѵٴ ⵶ε ġ ɴ԰ ´ٰ Ѵ. ġ ɴ ϴ ̶ Ѵ. 󸶳 ߸ ΰ? ù° ɴ ɸ Ŵ. ̳ ڵ̳ ڵ ΰ ɸ ˰ ֱ ׷ٰ е ġ ӻɸ Ŵ . ° ġ ɴ 翡 ɷ ̸ ġϷ Ѵ.

и ϰ ִ: ΰ ϳ԰ ȴٰ. â⿡ ϳ и ߴ. ȣͲ ˾ ԰ ȹ ׻ ̶ ϼ̴.

° ó ⵶ε ߸ ִ.

츮 ̷ ؼ ɴ ̿Ϸ Ѵ. ϳ 츮 ɺθ ֽñ ؼ ɴ ̴. 츮 ɴԲ ӹޱ ? ϳ տ ư 츮 ΰ ϳ ؼ ȵȴ.

ϳ տ ư ɷ ϰ ư Ѵ. ΰ ϳ ã ȴ. ׷ ϳԿ ڱ⸦ ϴ , ڱ ȴ.

⵶ ġڵ ȸ ġ ϰ Ǹ ɴ԰ ˸ ϴ ڷ ؼ ġᰡ ٰ ϸ ġ ȭϷ Ѵ. 츮 츮 ϳ 帱 .  ִ ϳԲ ϽŴٴ Ȯ 츮 ӿ 游 Ǵ ̴.

⵶ ġڵ ġ ؾѴٰ ϴ ٸ 뼭 ϴ üγ ǰ ϱ ̶ Ѵ. ġ ȯڵ鿡 ڱⰡ ſ ó ٽ ϰ ؼ ȯڷ Ͽ ڱ⿡ ó 뼭 ȸ شٴ ̴. ڱ⸦ ӽ ߿ Ӵϰ ƹ  ó ޾ Ӵϸ 뼭 ʿ䰡 ִٴ ̴. ϳ ߸ Ÿ ϳԵ 뼭ؾ Ѵٰ Ѵ.

뼭 ǰ ʿϴٰ ϴ ݴ . ׷ ⵶ ġڵ Ÿ ư 츮 ϳκ 뼭 츮 ϳ 뼭ؾ Ѵٰ Ѵ. ׷ 츮 뼭ϴ 츮 ƴ϶ 츮 뼭ϴ Ƿ ϰ 츮 ִԲ ϶ ϼ̱ ̴. ̷ , 츮 ϴ ɴԲ 츮 Ͻ ϴ.

̵ ġ ް Ǹ ϳ԰ ϰ ǰ 浵 а ; ġ ϳ ֽ иϴٰ Ѵ. ġ ޴ ̷ ̴. ׷ 츮 ¸ ˸ ǥ . ̴ڵ ô ⵶ε 󸶳 д 츮 ˾ƾ Ѵ. ϳ԰ ٰ ϴ ִ.

ϳԿ ̿ 츮 ǽ ¸ ȭŰ ص ִ. ̴ڵ鵵 ڱ ϳ԰ ִ. źڵ 游 ִ. ʴ ߿ 󸶳 游 ִ°? ô(New Age) ö 簡 ϳԿ ̿ ̶ Ѵ. ׷ ׵ ϰ ȭ ̷ٰ ϴ´.

ġڵ η ڿ (Universal Mind) սŰ ȭų ġ Ѵٰ Ѵ. ׷ ġ ġϷ ô 빰̸ ȭŰ ɴ 縦 Ϸ ź ̴.

뼭 ٸ Լ ޴ ó ʰ ϳ 濡 ϰ ϴ ̴. Բ ڰ ״ ϳ ̴ּ. 츮 ƴ϶ ڱ⸦ ڰ ڴ ˵ 뼭 ̴ּ. ׷ ϳ ׸ ̸ پ ̸ ֻ ϴÿ ִ ڵ ִ ڵ Ʒ ִ ڵ ̸ ݰ Ͻð ׸ ֶ Ͽ ϳ ƹ ϼ̴϶ ϼ̴.

1) ɻ (visualization) ɻ (guided imagery)

ġ Ǵ ߿ ɻ(visualization) ɻ(guided imagery)̴. ɻ ġ ޴ ڱ⿡ ó ȯ ٽ Ѵ(confront). ׸ ̵(ڵ 쿡 ) 鿡 Ÿ ڱ ڱ⿡ ó Ǫ .

ɻ ó ٸ ٲپ ϰ Ѵ. θ ڱ⸦ д߾ٸ θ д ʰ θ ڱ⿡ ϱ ְ ڱϰ ϶ Ѵ. ϰ θ𿡰Լ ߽Űų Ȥ θ𿡰 ̰ Ϸ ̴.

̷ ɻ ɻ Ǵ ʴ´. ɻ ɻ ȯ ӿ ִ ٲپ ڴ ̴. ó ޾Ҵ ȯ ٲپ ȯڷ Ͽ õ ɸ ó غ ڴ ̴. ̷ ȯڵ ־ ó ٷ ƴϴ. ̷ ɸп ̴.

â¿ Jung ̷ ġ ֵ ϰ ִ. Jung ̷ ü ȭ ְ ð ָ ʴ´ٴ ̷̴. ̰ (mind) ü matter) ̸ ų ̷ ϴ ĸ â ǽ ų ̷ ޴´ٴ ̷̴.

ġڵ ɻ(visualization) ɻ(guided imagery) 츮 ظ ʴ´ٸ鼭 ̸ ȭϷ Ѵ. ̴ ⵵ 츮 ϴ Ͱ ٴ ̴. ׷ Ϲ ġ ϴ õ ̰ ˾ƾ Ѵ. Ϲ ϳ ߸ . ׷ ġ 쿡 ̵带 ߵϴ ̴. ̰ ӿ ϴ ̴.

⵶ ġڵ ׷ ʴٰ ̸ Ѵ. 忡 Ÿô ƴ϶ 츮  ôٴ Ǽ ϵ ̶ Ѵ. ׷ ̿  ϴ ̰ ̴. ȯڰ Ҵ ص Ҵٰ ߸ ְ, ʾҴٸ Ű Ұ ϰ ȴ.

߸Ǹ ǿ ϰ ٰ ִ. ̴ ϰ ̴. 츮 ٰ .  Ҵٸ װ ͽ  ˰ڴ°? ̰ ϶ Ͻ 濡 ? ׷Ƿ ϱ鵵 ڱ⸦ ϱ ϴ ū ƴ϶ ᱹ Ǹ.( 11:15)

糪 ڼ ɻ(visualization) ɻ(guided imagery) ڿ ɷ ް, , ġ ϴµ ϰ ȿ ̶ Ѵ. 濡 ̷ ħ . ̵ Ұϴ. ɻ õⰣ ؿ ӿ ٰ ̴. ̷ Ϲ ȸ ȸ ϰ ִ ̴. ̵ ɻ ؼ ġ, ε , ٲ ִٰ ϴ . ̷ ͵ ϳ԰ ʰ ڵ鵵 ̸ ̷ ġ ϰ ִ ̴.

ɻ(visualization) ɻ(guided imagery) 츮 ذ ִ ƴϴ. ̴ ٸ ˸ ذ ΰ ʴ´. ΰ ۿ ذϷ ʴ´. ϳ ġ ΰ ġ ΰ ̸ ΰ ˸ ġ Ұϴ.

ġ ϴ ȭϷ ԽŻƮ ġ ȴ. ǽ ȭ ʴ Ϸ ̴. ̷ ̷ Frederick S. Perls, Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Sidney Berne â ̷е 츮 ׻ ̰͵ ؾ Ѵ.

2) ԽŻƮ ġ(Gestalt Therapy)

ԽŻƮ ġ 1940 F. Pearls ߵǾ ð ſ α ִ ġ ߴ. ̰ 鿡Լ α⸦ ° νĿ ߾ ġ Ա ̴.

ԽŻƮ ġ ȯڿ ڱ Ӱ ۿ Ͼ ִ νϵ ġ ̶ Ѵ. Pearls 鿡 ̷ ν ̶ ߴ. ġ ſ ̷ Ҿȿ ٵ鸮 ʰ (here and now) ν ȸؾ Ѵٴ ̴.

ԽŻƮ ġ ü迡 Ѹ ڰ ִ. 1)ɸм ɸа, 2)ԽŻƮ ɸа, 3)̴. ġ ° ִ. ġῡ Ǵ ǥ(ventilation) Ҵ(role plays) ӵ ⿡ Եȴ.

ǥ(ventilation) ؼ ȯڴ ũ Ѵ.

鼭 ǽ ¸ ٲپ Ǯ Ѵ. ԽŻƮ ġ ġ(primal therapy) ִµ ̴ (primal scream) Գ ġ Ͱ ó ϸ Ҹ ͵ Ѵ.

ġ(Scream Therapy) ϰ ڸ ̰ Arthur Janov (Primal Scream) ġ̴. Janov 17Ⱓ Ϲ ɸġḦ ߾. ׷ٰ ǽ ൿ ϰ ϴ ҵ(determinants) ִٴ ̷а, Ȱ ൿ شٴ ̷а, ǽ ӿ  ݵ ˷ ŷ ư Ѵٴ źм ⺻ 信 ڱ Ư ̷ ġ . ġ ǽļ迡 ϵ ɸ ٴ ̷п ٰϰ ִ.

ɸġῡ ɸм Freud . ׷ Janov Freud Ʋ ϰ ְߴ. ׸ FreudԼ ⺻ ӿ ְ, װ ϳ ȯڵ ڱؽ ǥ ϵ . Janov ̷ ְ ᱹ ư ޽ 95% ġ ȿ ڶߴ.

Janov 1960 Claremont Graduate School ɸ ڻ ߴ. ״ Danny Wilson̶ л ġ ߴ. ġ Janov Wilson 찡 ͸ Կ ! ƺ! ϰ θ鼭 뿡 ٴϴ ̾߱⸦ ־. öƽ ڷ翡 ϱ⵵ ߾. Wilson ̿ ȤǴ Janov ׿ ! ƺ! ϸ鼭 ĺ ߴ.

Wilson ó ߿ ۵ ! ƺ! ! ƺ! ϸ鼭 . ׸ Wilson Ȳ ϸ鼭 Ʋ, 鼭 ߴ. ׷鼭 ״ Ҹ : ! ƺ! ! ƺ! ״ ð ۵ ״. ׸ īο .

Janov ġ . ״ 1970 ̶ å 20 ̻ ȾҴ. Janov ȯڵ ġϰ ġڵ Ʒ Los Angeles Primal Institute б . ׸ ġῡ 䰡 ״ New York б .

ġ ߿ ܾ (Primal Pain)̶ ̴. Janov ϸ ̰ ڶ鼭 ڱ ڽ Ƿ Ͱ θ 뿡 Ѵٴ ̿ ȴٴ ̴. ̷ ⿡ ̴ 谡 踦 ä ϴ 屸, 뺯 ־ ϴ 屸, ǰ ʿ Ǹ ޾ƾ ϴ 屸 ϸ ׷ ̰ ȴٴ ̴.

ڱ 屸 θ ̿ ٴ ̴. ڶ鼭 ̷ ӵǸ Ǵµ Janov ̰ (Primal Pool of Pain) ߴ. ̰ ġ Ǹ Ű(̷ - neurosis) ȯڰ ȴٴ ̴. ̶ ̴ θ ڱ ڽ Ƿ ϰ ڱ ع ڱⰡ Ǿ ٴ ̴. Janov ̿ ڱ и Ű(̷)̶ ҷ.

Janov (Primal Scene) 5-7 ̿ ܼ ǽ ӿ ٰ ߴ. ׸ ִٴ Ϸ ü Ѵٴ ̴. ״ ٿ ߰ ַ Ȱ Ű װ ٴ ̴. ̰͵ Freud ŷ ư θ ϰ ſ ذå ã ϴ ̴. ſ ذå ãƾ Ҿ ٴ ̴. Janov Ű ϳ ̸ װ ̶ ߴ. ⿡ ġᵵ ϳ ġ(primal therapy)̶ ̴.

Leonard Berkowitz ߻ ٰ ϴ ̷ ʾҴ. Berkowitz ڻ ġ ൿ ϰ ߱ ؼ ´ٰ ߴ. ״ ൿ ϶ ϴ 񼺰̸ ƹ Ƿ Ѵ ص ġḦ ܿ ൿ ؼ ȵȴٰ ߴ.

̷ ɸġ õ ϰ 츮 ֺ 츮 Ȥϰ ִ. ó ȸ ε ɸ α⿡ ɴ 縸δ 츮 ٰ Ѵ. ̵ ɸ ٷ ɸ ɴԵ ΰ ذ ִٰ Ѵ. 츮 ȸ ̷ ɸ ġḦ εϰ ˾ƾ Ѵ.

ٴϴٰ âϽ ϳԿ ƿ ʰ ΰ ŵ Ѿư. ΰ ڱ⸦ âϽ ϳ ٶ ʰ ΰ ٶ󺸸 ڱ ä޶ Ѵ. Robert Ornstein 츮 ִ ȭ ް, , ڰ ϰ δ ϴ ߴ.

ο ħ ƾ Ѵ. ϳԿ ߸ ϳ 翡 ߸ ϰ ǰ ġ Ѵ. Ͻ ִ ȤǾ ȵȴ. ϳ ɴ 翡 ݴǴ ߸ ˾ƾ Ѵ. ⼭ ɸġڵ ⸦ ٷ ʴ´. ׵ ϳ ̱ ̴. 츮 ׵ ħ ׵ Ե̴. ̴  ̴ ̴. 츮 ־ ߿ϴٴ ׻ ؾ Ѵ.

̿ ڴ ָ ƴ ̿ ϴ ڴ 񸶸 ƴϸ( 6:35) ϼ̴. ȸ ޸ ִ°? ȸ ɸ ̷ Ǿ ̰ ִ°? ϳ , װ , ԰ ϰ ʱ ̴. ͸δ θ ʰ 츮 ü ʴ´. ͸, 浵 ͸δ 츮 Ѵ. ԰ ؾ 츮 ȴ.

ΰ ش 濡 ϵǾ ִ:

ϳ ư å ٸ ԰ Ƿ ϱ⿡ ϴ ̴ ϳ ϸ ⿡ Ϸ ̴϶( 3:16-17).

ϳ԰ 츮 񿡰 ű ɷ ǿ 츮 ּ ̴ ڱ ν 츮 θ ڸ ̶̾ ̷ν Ӱ ū 츮 ֻ ̾Ͼ Ͽ 󿡼 Ͽ ǰ ϴ ڰ ǰ Ϸ ϼ ( 1:2-4)

׷Ƿ ϴ ڴ ݼ ο â ٶ Ҿ ε ƴϳ ̴ ʸ ݼ ġ ƴϴ ڴ  â ٶ Ҿ ε ϴ϶. ( 7:24-27).

ϴ ڰ ǰ ⸸ Ͽ ڽ ̴ ڰ . ( 1:22)


ϳ ƴ ϿͿ 䱸 ׵ 屸 ׵ ϳ ɿ ϶ ̾(â 3:3). ϳ 䱸 ߴ. ׷ ׵ Ӵ ߸ ڱ⸸, ڱ Ҽ ˸ ڱ⿡ ΰ Ǿ ȸ ̻ ڶ ǰ ϳ԰ Ư 踦 Ҿ ˰ ñ η Ǿ(â 3:1-7; 3:16-24).

̰ ڱ(self)" ζ ɸ̼ ħ̴. ̰ ΰ ϰ ¾ ̰ Ͼ ȴٴ ߸ ħ̴. 濡 ġ ȭ̳ ɿ ޷ ʰ ϳ԰ ΰ ڱ(self)  ϴĿ ޷ ִ.

ϳԲ Ҽϰ ڱ(self)" ΰ ڱ(self)" ؼ 츮 ׻ ϰ ڱ ׻ ؾ Ѵ. ̰ ħ̴( 9:23-24; 2:1-9). ԰ Ϸ ڱ(self) ڱ(self)" ϰ( 9:23-24) ׸ ڱⰡġ, ڱȮ, ڱ, ڱ, ڱŷ, ڱ, ڱ , ڱ ߸ Ѵ. ׸ ִ Ǿ( 20:26-28) Ͽ ϳ ڽð ϰ( 5:9) ϳԲ Ѵ( 5:16; 2:12).

ִ ֽ ְ ڱ ƴ϶ ϳ ̿ ̴( 22:37-39). ⿡ ž ޷ִ() ִ ϼ̴. ׸ ֽŴ. ִ ̰( 3:16) ϴ ̰ ϴ ̴. ڽź ϳ԰ ̿ ϴ ̴. ڱ⸦ ϴ ʾƵ ̹ Ÿ ڵ ϰ ȴ. ۿ ϴ ڱ ̰ 鵵 ƶ Ϸ ڻϴ ͵ ڱ ̴( 3:1-2).

ȸ ε鿡 ־ַ Ѵ. ΰ ٿ ϳԿ ˿ ׿ Ѵ. ε ɿ ū ջ ָ ȵȴٰ ؼ ܿ, åγ, Ź̳ ؼ ڱ ϰ ̶ ġ ڱ⸦ ϰ ڱ⸦ 뼭ϸ ϰ ̳ ģ.

׷ ħ ̿ʹ ݴ̴. ΰ ̴. ׷ 츮 ִ ڰ ̱⿡ 츮 츮 ֽ ϸ 츮 ȴٴ ̴( 6:17). 츮 츮 ַ ̴. ˷ ΰ Ϸ ̴. ׷ ΰ ̶ ȾѴ. ׷ ް ٴ ȸ Ⱑ ġ å Ѵ. ̰ ߸ ġ ٽɽ̴.

İ Ƶ . ̰ и ΰ ̴. ٿ 2 ٺ ϳ üó . . . . ڱ⸦ ü Ǿ ϸ鼭 츮 ̿ ִ ߴ. ׸ ڱ ٴ ϳ ̿ ϶ 츮 ϼ̴( 18:4; 4:10). ϳ ô ڵ ̴ Ʒ ؼ 缺Ǵ ƴϴ. ϳ ڱ Ͻ ڵ ̴.

𼼰 ٷ ձÿ ڱ ̽ ڶ ϳ ׸ ̵ ߷ ӿ ڱ ϰ ߽ð ׸ ̴. ϳ θ ( 6) ׿ ̴ Ʒ Ű ʰ װ ̵ ηϿ  Ʋ Ÿϰ ż ׸ Ͻð ̴.

̻ߵ ϳ տ . . . ȭδ ϰ Ǿ Լ ̿ Լ 鼺 ߿ ϸ鼭 ȣ̽ ƾ̷δ ׸ ̴. ̾Ƶ ϳ տ ׸ ( 1:6) ׸ ̴. յ ҷ 鿡 װ ϳԸ μ ױ ̶ ϳ ־.

յ ȣ տ  ɾ ȣͿ ̰ ̿ ̸ ϼ̳̱ϸ ڱ⸦ ߰ ϳԸ . ַθ Ǿ ڱⰡ Ƽ ƴٰ ʾҴ. ״ ϳԿ ڱ ̿ 𸣴 鼺 ٽ ֽð Ǵ ֽö ڱ⸦ ϳ ׸ ̴.

ٿ ϰ ̸ (ū ) ٿ( ) ٲٰ ִԿ ڱ Ͽ ״´( 15:31) ߴ. ϳ տ ڱ⸦ ߰ ׿ Ѵ. ׷ ȸ ɸ ߸ ̷е ε鿡 ̶ ġ ε ϳ԰ ־ ۿ . ȸڵ ɸ ϴ ׸ŭ ε ɷ ޸ ȴ.

츮 ȭ ַ (ȸ翪) ϳ ؾ Ѵ. 츮 ΰ ϳ и ˰ ־ Ѵ. ΰ ̶ Freud, Sullivan, Erikson, Adler, Jung ɸ(psychodynamic) B.F. Skinner ǥϴ ൿ Carl Rogers, Victor Frankl ǥϴ Occar Ichazo ǥϴ ɷ ̴

̷ ɸ̼ 츮 ž ʼ ȵȴ. 츮 ھ ( 17:10-12) ߾ Ʒ ־ Ѵ.

ڷ/: ȸ(KABC) 070-7565-3535 www.biblicallife.kr

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